About HTS vCIO

Healthcare Technology Solutions (HTS) Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) services provides one-stop, specialized IT services for healthcare facilities which enhance business operations and encourage sustainable growth. Our services focus on infrastructure-related management and we ensure you maintain a competitive advantage with innovative technology solutions. With HTS's vCIO services, organizations gain access to best-in-class managed IT and cloud solutions without the headaches of supporting an in-house staff.

Consulting and Strategic Alignment

We help to plan and ensure your IT serves your business as an asset, not a hassle or liability. We will quickly help you uncover gaps and areas for improvement.

Software & Hardware Implementation and Management

By having a clear, up-to-date picture of your hardware and software assets, your company can be much nimbler in allocating resources for IT infrastructure. Hardware and software upgrades, software license purchases and asset obsolescence can be forecast more accurately for future requirements.In addition, we are experts at seamlessly integrating different systems to ensure the highest level of business continuity.

Vendor Management

As your one-stop shop for vCIO services, our vendor management is more than just keeping things up to date with key vendors. Our goal is to take the IT management off your plate and take it from a passive business transaction to a collaborative business partnership.

In addition, we offer training for your key personnel which includes all HIPPA regulations and certifications.

Risk Analysis and Risk Management

IT risk analysis and management is critical to your organization as it helps you identify and manage potential problems that could affect your IT infrastructure.With HTS vCIO services we can help you:

  • Identify your threats
  • Estimate your IT risk exposure
  • Manage your risks

Cybersecurity and proactive security monitoring

Your facility is a top target for cyber security threats due to large volumes of valuable medical and billing information. HTS vCIO will review your existing security profile and systems and recommend the right security solutions to safeguard all your data as well as your patients.

Interested in learning more?

Visit HTS vCIO Website